Post- Production - Motion 5 Ident

So I thought I would attempt to create my own ident as I did last year, However this year I wanted to create a slightly more complex one.
So I followed a Youtube video:

These where my screenshots of the process:
Simple start creating a rectangle. 

Changing it's control points and roundness

Changing its colour and width. Adding and outer and Inner layer

Working with properties, changing the positioning.

Again using the 'replicater' tool to create a format, also dragging outer and inner together.

Adding the text now... 'Reallife Pictures' being the Ident name. 

Creating a mask, then using edit points to make mask smaller

Adding a second mask and rotating it 180.

This is my use of frames and key-framing text.

Using lighting for the first time.

Using a camera for the first time.
