
Showing posts from June, 2016

Preliminary Task Finished

So I completed my filming and my editing. I tried to get as closely accurate as I could, However the timing was an issue because my shots weren't held for long enough! Here is the original: Here is mine: I didn't use a video overlay for the security camera, which was a mistake however it's taught me for next time. I've learnt to use the green screen tool on iMovie and how to sound bridge. Overall it was quite successful in mirroring the original however not entirely the same due to location, shot length and actors.

Preliminary Task Prepping

So for my prelim task I needed to recruit three people and acquire some props, but also get permission to use the school kitchen. I asked Mrs Roberts our HE teacher for her equipment, as I can't bring my own equipment into school, such as I need a wooden spoon, bowl, a peeler and chopping board. She said that everything is fine to borrow. Then I needed to my admin to use the school kitchen: (So here is my email conversation with the admin staff) But also I needed to do a risk assessment for it: (So here is my email conversation with the admin staff) ST MARY’S SCHOOL GERRARDS CROSS  ACTIVITY/SCHOOL VISIT RISK ASSESSMENT  Date(s) of Visit: Tuesday 28th June 2016  Teacher in Charge: Mrs Helen Williams  Number of Students: 3  Number of Adults: 1  Place of Visit:  St Mary’s School Kitchen Activity Hazard Who Severity Likelihood Control ...

Preliminary Task Planning

My Preliminary Task needs to be story boarded: So I can exactly copy the shots, and hold them on for as long as they have been held in that final project.  I am probably not going to have a male and a female just because being in an all girls school, it's easier to film with two females as i can do it in school time!

Preliminary Task Inspiration

I thought it would be a good idea to test out my camera and some new shots before I preform my final task, so i've decided to take on a preliminary task.  For this i'm going to find another short film and film my preliminary task, matching up the shots. The genre i'm most interetsed in at the moment is drama and mystery. I like the added mystery element as it creates a good tense atmosphere for those watching. So I came across another Alevel student from Chalfont Community Collage producted a short film that has aspects I want within my movie. So I thought this would be a good movie to copy. I like the dazed shots, and the securty camera. Furthermore I like to story to it. This is the girls Blogger account: